
Version 2 of the Pediatric Complex Chronic Conditions (CCC) system was published “Pediatric complex chronic conditions classification system version 2: updated for ICD-10 and complex medical technology dependence and transplantation” by Chris Feudtner, James A Feinstein, Wenjun Zhong, Matt Hall and Dingwei Dai.

SAS and STATA scripts to generate CCC categories from ICD codes were provided by Feudtner et al. as an appendix to the above manuscript. However, those scripts can take many hours to run on large datasets.

This package provides R functions to generate the CCC categories. Because the R functions are built with a C++ back-end, they are very computationally efficient.



Version 1.0.2 is available on The Comprehensive R Archive Network at

Developmental version

You can install the developmental version of pccc directly from github using the devtools package:

if (!("devtools" %in% rownames(installed.packages()))) { 
  warning("installing devtools from")
  install.packages("devtools", repo = "")

devtools::install_github("CUD2V/pccc", build_vignettes = TRUE)

NOTE: If you are working on a Windows machine you will need to download and install Rtools before devtools will work for you.

If you are on a Linux machine or have GNU make configured you should be able to build and install this package by cloning the repository and running

make install

More project information

We’ve published a research letter in JAMA Pediatrics on this R package:

For source code see: